Mailing Address

Sister Amy Beutler
P.O. Box 2203
Kolonia FM 96941

Monday, February 24, 2014

See You All Soon

What a crazy busy week! Our wedding/baptism for Tikler fell through last minute. The family of the bride wanted them to get married by a Protestant Minister and I guess that takes a little more time. He is on track for this next Saturday though along with MJ (a little girl) and Sydney (a young man). Sister Ma'a and Sister Havea will have to send me pictures.
Yesterday was my last Sunday in Pohnpei and I was flooded with hugs and kisses. Sapwalap Branch will be doing a potluck for me Wednesday and I get to go to a family home evening in the Kirinese village tonight in the Kolonia area. Everything is winding down so fast. It will be sad to say goodbye but soo good to see you all again. Don't worry Papa, I'll be working hard 'til the very end.
Congratulations to Jared on his new calling. Now he gets to discuss all sorts of deep doctrine with the high priests every week! 
I poakepoake kumwail,
Sister Beutler

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