Mailing Address

Sister Amy Beutler
P.O. Box 2203
Kolonia FM 96941

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Flu Season

Dear Family,
I don't have much to tell this week. I forgot to look in my journal before I came to the computer place and now I can't remember much of what I did Monday through Wednesday. Thursday I woke up feeling terrible. I had a sore throat, runny nose, and a fever that just got worse throughout the morning. We went to District Meeting and by the end of that I decided I needed to rest. I ended up sleeping the rest of that day. By Friday evening I thought I was doing well enough to go out, so we went to three of our evening appointments where I struggled to speak loud enough for my investigators to hear me. By the end of the evening my fever was back and I was aching all over. Saturday we went to the doctor who didn't really look at me. She just asked me what was wrong and then gave me a bunch of different kinds of pills. I think she was just hoping one of them would solve the problem. The congestion pills made me feel depressed and angry so I stopped taking that one. Yesterday I was feeling a little better and tired of being in the house so we went out teaching all afternoon. I'm feeling pretty good today. Now I mostly just have a cough. Lots of the missionaries have been getting sick lately.
Tomorrow is our zone conference so we get to see and be trained from our mission President. I'm excited for that. They always make really good food for zone conferences too. I hear rumors that we are going to have tacos. The other two sisters are stay overnight so they don't have to drive back again for conference. That means we get to teach twice as many people tonight. We need to catch up for all the appointments we missed.
Mamma, my stove is an electric stove. They are waiting for a part from Guam to fix it but it seems like orders from Guam take several months to get here for some reason. 
The picture is from when I was in Sapwalap. It is a giant lobster.
Gaint Lobster from Sapwalap
Oh it was my companion's birthday on Tuesday and we went to a member's house for dinner. Afterwards I taught the member how to dance to cotton-eyed joe. She had a great time and her kids and Sister Varea had a great time laughing at us.

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