Mailing Address

Sister Amy Beutler
P.O. Box 2203
Kolonia FM 96941

Monday, October 21, 2013

Dear Family,
It was another good week. We finally had a real lesson with Sivil (from Azerbaijan) and found out she is a Muslim and doesn't believe in Jesus Christ. That was definitely a first. I've never taught a non-Christian before. I don't think she's too interested in ever accepting Christianity. She was, however, thrilled to receive a Book of Mormon and says she absolutely loves reading. I'll be praying that the spirit of it will touch her heart.
We also found a 17-year-old girl named Emalane. At the end of her third lesson she told us she's known from the first time we came that what we are teaching is the truth. She told us she is going to write her mother (who is on an outer island) a letter telling her how she feels and asking if she can join the church. It is fun to find people who are that prepared.
General conference was great. We even got a couple of our investigators to join.
One of the young member girls, Mimi-Jo was following us around on Friday asking us all about missionary work and telling us how fun it must be to be a missionary. We then approached a man sitting in front of his house, introduced ourselves, and asked if he'd ever met with missionaries from our church before. In very clear English he gruffly replied, "No and I don't plan to." Mimi-Jo was horrified :)
Here is a story just for you, Gideon. On Tuesday we were sitting outside a house teaching a teenage-girl when her brother came outside and began yelling in our direction. Looking around, I realized he was yelling at me. I asked if he was alright and if we could do anything to help. That just got him more angry and he started swearing, blaspheming God, and talking bad about Americans. The girl stood up and we all walked away together. She apologized and told us he had a mental illness from taking too many drugs.
 As a whole, the week actually went very well with plenty of other interesting stories but they will be saved for another place and time.
Love you all,
Sister Beutler

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