Mailing Address

Sister Amy Beutler
P.O. Box 2203
Kolonia FM 96941

Monday, December 9, 2013

Miracle Week

This past Saturday I got to see one of the most beautiful baptisms of my mission. Romeo and his wife Cindy got baptized. Augustine and his son, Jammy, also joined with a niece Atileen. Augustine's wife will be getting baptized this next Saturday. They were all so excited. It is so wonderful to see families get baptized together because you can know that they are a lot less-likely to fall away. Cindy and Romeo especially have such strong testimonies. We send a ride to pick up the family but Romeo always walks to church just because he wants to. As we were driving to the baptism we saw him walking down the road all by himself with a big smile on his face.
We got our transfer calls this past Wednesday. Sister Orrock and Havea switched places. Sis. Orrock was sent to Sokehs and Sis Havea is with me now. She is from Tonga. She started her mission in Saipan for 3 months and spent 4 months out in Sokehs. I was surprised and sad to say goodbye to Sister Orrock but like Sister Havea and think we will have a fun companionship. 

Yesterday some boys decided they would start the New Year off early and set off a bunch of pipe bombs during one of our lessons. The old lady we were teaching was cussing about them under her breath. She's such a funny lady. The other day I was talking to her about her pregnant cat and she was telling me how naughty it was. Every time it has kittens, she puts them in a bag and throws them in the ocean. Then, for some reason that darn cat gets pregnant again! :)

During another lesson yesterday the family's dog kept catching their kitten. Then She would pick it up by the neck just like a pup, take it to the edge of the hill. and throw it off. The kitten would attempt to run back up to the house and the dog would just repeat it over and over again.

Well, I hope you are all enjoying the chilly, Christmassy weather at home. 
Sister Beutler

P.S. Mom I don't have a specific release date yet but I do know that the transfer will end on February 23rd so I should be finished sometime around that day.

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