Mailing Address

Sister Amy Beutler
P.O. Box 2203
Kolonia FM 96941

Monday, June 3, 2013


Today our district had an activity to hike up to some of the guns from the war . I'm still alive. The work is still moving.
We were expecting quite a few investigators at church yesterday but ended up with only one. We'll get them there next week though. 
I need to stop eating so many mangos. It gets my skin pretty itchy. Maybe I'll just limit myself to one a day. 
We are having a hard time getting a group of our investigators to beleive that there is only one road to God. They are convinced there are many different roads coming from each church and all leading to- one big road that goes to God. Ah, the things some people come up with. 
I accidently hit my watch on a rock and broke the face but the watch still works for now. 
I love you all more than anything in the world.
Sister Amy Beutler

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